2019 - 2021
In 2019 Transform af 1994 ApS together with its daughter company Rootzone Africa Limited were commissioned by Oxfam to conduct a wastewater feasibility study for Kyakka II: Sweswe Refugee Resettlement Camp in Kyegegwa District. In 2020 -2021, Transform af 1994 ApS and Rootzone Africa Limited designed and constructed a reed bed feacal sludge and sewage treatment system for Oxfam, a lead WASH partner in Kyaka II refugee settlement implementing WASH projects on behalf of OPM and UNHCR in partnership with other WASH actors striving to provide safe and reliable WASH services to refugees and surrounding host communities.
2020 - 2021
Transform af 1994 Aps´ Waste to Value project awarded by Vida and is funded by European union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no 777786, with an aim to accelerate the implementation of key enabling technologies in the food sector with the ambition to reduce losses and consumption.
EU Verification for oil sludge and wastewater treatment for recirculation.
Prize for Urban Development and Planning of 300ha in connection with new Metropolitan Hospital, Hillerød Municipality, Denmark together with BOGL Landscape Architect.
1. Prize together with Arc Gottlieb & Paludan and others” Farm planning for
Future” Realdania Foundation, Copenhagen.
Stable 16.000 m2 for integrated pigs production with air and water treatment and
recirculation to 12.500m2 Green House for production of vegetable.
2. Prize for Urban planning, Aabenraa Municipality, Denmark with Architect Stig
EU-Solar prize, “The Yellow Brick” and more given to Jytte Abildstroem for Eco
Inspiration House. Design together with Fleming Abrahamsen.
“The Yellow Brick” for Urban planning of Hedebygadekareen, Copenhagen.
Nordic Housing Prize for Future Housing, Kalmarhem, and Oestratornskolan, Sweden
1. Prize for Ecohouse 99 with Architect Vandkunsten and Ing.Dominia A/S,
Established with 100 flats in Aarhus and Ikast, Denmark.
Nordic Housing Prize for “The Blue House”, Aalborg, Denmark
Nordic Housing Prize for “Bo 90”, Copenhagen, Denmark
Habitat II, for Oshakati Urban project, Namibia by UN Housing, Istanbul
“Flying Birds” for Lessor Office Building
Award for Technology and Quality, Paris
Social and Nature Award for Karlebo Lagoon
Award for University Training Centre, Skærum Moelle