Rootzone main catalogue
Water Treatment - Rootzone Technology
Waste Management - Waste2Value / Nutrient Recirculation
Air Purification - BioVentic
  • Rethinking
    Sustainability & Economic Development
  • Rootzone Waste Water Treatment System
    Reduce Reuse Recycle
  • Greening the Desert
    Nature Based Waste Water Treatment
  • Natural Air Treatment Plants
    Indoor Air Quality Solution
  • Waste to Value
    Organic Waste to Bio Fertilizers
  • Recycle up to 90%
    Car Wash Waste Water Recirculation

Waste Management – Waste2Value / Nutrient Recirculation

The High Heat Composting technology is based on the principle of resource circulation and the process is biological, treats organic solid waste and effluents, generated from different sources, with the purpose of recovery, stabilization and volume reduction of waste material in form of compost.

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Biofertilizer Africa Limited

Transforming Agriculture with Biofertilizers Natural Power for Your Crops
We Offer Liquid Organic Fertilizer Solid Organic Fertilizer Real time Soil Testing.

DOWNLOAD fertilizer catalogue here

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